The Impact of Street Trees on a Typical Urban Canyon in Eastern Cairo Region.
Paper ID : 1050-ICCAE (R2)
Wesam Elbardisy *1, mohamed Salheen1, Mohammad Fahmy2
1Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Abbaseya, Cairo 11517, Egypt
2Prof at Department of Architecture Engineering, Military Technical Collage, Kobry El-kobba, Cairo 11662, Egypt
The trend of upgrading urban areas in Egypt is expanding across the region for better urban mobility patterns. Meanwhile, the concerns towards climate change and creating resilient communities are evolving to avoid the dramatic consequences on urban environments. Street trees offer great benefit in climate moderation, particularly in hot arid regions as in Cairo. In this work, different spatial arrangements and locations for evergreen, deciduous trees and palms at NW street canyon are tested using ENVI-met numerical simulation tool. It is aimed to maximize the cooling effect of tree shade on street facades and attain better pedestrian thermal comfort in peak summer times. This ultimately gives better guidance for urban planners and policymakers towards an improved planting design pattern. Comparing simulation results, it is concluded that evergreen trees located at the building edge can provide up to 6°C cooler walls and up to 3.8°C when placed at the building center. Whilst other tree species have lower cooling effects. Also, these trees have a great role in attaining better thermal comfort levels for pedestrians at the street level. It is recommended to wisely choose suitable tree species and arrangements to maximize the cooling benefits in the urban environment.
Trees, microclimate, Cairo, façade, thermal comfort, ENVI-met, temperature, radiation, urban canyon
Status : Paper Accepted (Oral Presentation)